
Showing posts from April, 2017

Explaining the title...

It all started one day after yoga class. I went to yoga, but had to go to work afterwards. I wasn't going to go teach a class, though, I was going to present a paper/chair a panel at our department's annual conference, so I changed into nicer clothes. This lady looked at me and said she loved my outfit. I promptly exclaimed that it was a coincidence that I'd bought a cardigan that matched the dress so perfectly, that it was all because of my "consistent taste" that made me purchase items that later went on to match perfectly. She replied, "No, this demonstrates that you have a true sense of style!" And thus the idea for this blog was born, back in 2013. I still often ask myself, "Do I really have a true sense of style? I really think it's just that I have a very consistent taste." You can weight in on that as this blog develops and I share outfits and clothing and shoe purchases.